Beginning July 9th, the Tuesday Mass will be at 6:00 pm instead of 9:00 am. This Mass will be preceded by Holy Hour & Confessions from 4:45 pm to 5:45 pm and Benediction at 5:45 pm. This change will allow those who are not available in the mornings to have an opportunity to attend a weekday Mass and offer a quiet time in the presence of the consecrated Eucharist for prayer, as well as Confession time during the week. On Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, daily Mass will continue to be at 9:00 am.
Join us for the Longest Day of Prayer and Awareness of Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson Disease and Other Related Dementias at the parish on June 18, 2024. Click here for the day's schedule, beginning with Mass at 9:00 am and ending with Holy Hour 7:00-8:00 pm. Presentations and support groups will be held in Resurrection Hall.
On Sunday June 2nd at the 10:00 am Mass, our parish family wishes to congratulate all young people graduating from high school and college this year. This is a time to be thankful for all that God has helped you to achieve and to pray for His continual guidance as you prepare for the future. We will have a reception after Mass.
We continue to have pantry items (personal care items, cleaning supplies, and paper products) available for those who have fallen on hard times. The mission of helping our fellow parishioners and the local community continues. If you are aware of any family or individual in need, please contact the parish office and a committee member will reach out to them.
Mark your calendars and plan to join us on August 18th to celebrate our parish community! This important parish picnic continues to be a success and each year we are grateful for the generous response of donations, time and interest! Raffle Tickets are available in the Gathering Space for the Cash Prize Raffle, the Josie Quilt Raffle, and the Backyard Family Fun Raffle! Click here for more information and opportunities to help support Harvest Fest!
Provided by the American Red Cross, the annual blood drive here at the Parish will be held Monday March 25th from Noon-5:00 p.m. in Resurrection Hall. For an appointment time, call 800-733-2767 or visit and enter sponsor code: ssedwardisidore.
Father Dave's 12-year term limit as our pastor will be ending June 30, 2024. The Evangelization Committee invites all to pray this 31-day Novena (click to view) daily from March 1-31. The Novena period begins with Eucharistic Adoration on March 1st from 9:30 am to 630 pm (volunteers can sign up in the Gathering Space to pray for an hour that day in church)
March 5th-6th-7th at 7-8 pm in church. Mark your calendar for this three-part Lenten Mission, where we will break open how the prayers, actions, and symbols of the liturgy are intended to impact how we live, pray, and come to know our relationship with Christ through his true presence at Mass and in the Sacraments. Presenter: Dr. Michael Poradek, Dir. of the Norbertine Center for Sprirituality.
Registration is now open for the Annual Health & Wellness Saturday Morning for Women on May 11, 2024. Click here for details and the registration form.
All are invited to a four week study on the book "Beautiful Eucharist" by Matthew Kelly on February 20 & 27, March 12 & 19 from 5:30-6:30 pm in Nelson Hall. Call Kim in the parish office if you need the book.
Have you ever attended one or more of these parish events? Wine & Beer Tasting, Mardi Gras, Family Game Night, or Pancake & Porkie Breakfast? Did you enjoy yourself and feel it was well planned out? Come and be a part of a fun group of Parishioners who plan and put on parish events. Meets the 1st Wednesday of the month at church.
Our parish liturgical calendars are free and available to take after all Masses this weekend. The calendars provide basic parish information, Holy Days, National Holidays, Solemnities, Feasts and Obligatory Memorials. They are provided by Blaney Funeral Home.